
by Inês Aniceto

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Friday 10 August 2018

Bubblegum Talks, everything sugar and sweet

Sim, temos um novo website! Finalmente conseguimos reunir as condições para melhor partilharmos conteúdos. Primeiro, porque já precisávamos. Depois, porque já merecíamos! Agora, com um design mais simples e intuitivo, e um novo nome: Bubblegum Talks, everything sugar and sweet. Espero que gostem e desfrutem do novo template. Não se esqueçam de deixar as vossas sugestões, são sempre bem-vindas.


Yes, we just lauched a whole new website! We finally got everything together and we're now able to meet all the conditions to better share our content. Firstly, because we needed it already. Then, it was about time. Now, with a simpler and more intuitive design, and a brand new name: Bubblegum Talks, everything sugar and sweet. Hope you like it and enjoy our new template. Also don't forget to leave your suggestions, they're always very welcome.

Photos: Inês Aniceto
Edit and Art Direction: Inês Aniceto

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